The Center for Independent Living of Broward (CILB) advocates for people with disabilities before public and private agencies, local, state, and national public officials, and other community-based organizations.
We encourage and support consumers to become self-advocates— a skill critical to independence. Self-advocacy starts with knowing your rights. Consumers learn about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Fair Housing Act, the Rehabilitation Act, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and various other civil laws as appropriate.
CILB also assists consumers in strengthening their advocacy skills through communication, written materials, and face-to-face meetings.At CILB, consumers receiving Social Security Administration (SSA) benefits have the opportunity to work with our employment specialist on job placement, benefits counseling, and Ticket to Work orientation. Any consumer seeking employment assistance, including veterans, Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) consumers, and youth with disabilities, can contact CILB at (954) 722-6400 to register for upcoming employment workshops or Ticket to Work orientations.
CILB assists people with disabilities gain or increase life skills needed to function independently at home, at work, and in the community. Independent Living Workshops are held every Thursday from 1:30-2:30 pm.
Due to COVID-19, CIL Broward is hosting all Independent Living Workshops online via Zoom. You can register for workshops at:
At Home
At Work/In the Community
The Center for Independent Living of Broward (CILB) helps consumers connect to valuable community resources to support their independence and full integration into society. We offer connections to:
Peer counseling groups offer a forum for consumers to share their experiences, teach one another how to access resources, and share strategies for solutions to disability-related issues.
With a staff and board of directors comprised of 51% of individuals with significant disabilities, we identify with the significant needs of our consumers. CILB Independent Living Specialists offers consumers one-on-one peer support when needed.
CILB also organizes and sponsors peer support for groups with similar disabilities so individuals can share their concerns, issues, and ideas. Currently, CILB staff engage in support groups for those with spinal cord injuries, brain injuries, the deaf and hard of hearing, and various other groups as necessary.
At the Center for Independent Living (CILB), we assist many people in transitioning into the services that fit them best. Specifically, we offer:
4800 N. State Road 7, Suite 102
Fort Lauderdale, FL